윤창주 교수 사진
윤창주 교수
반도체물성연구소 404호


- 학사 : 전북대학교 물리학과
- 석사 : New Mexico University (미국)
- 박사 : New Mexico University (미국)


- 2006.4 ~ 현재 : 전북대학교 자연과학대학 반도체과학기술학과 교수
- 2002.10 ~ 2006.3 전북대학교 반도체물성연구소 교수
- 1997.10 ~ 2003.9 전북대학교 반도체물성연구소 부교수
- 1993.9 ~ 1997.9 전북대학교 반도체물성연구소 조교수


- T.S. Jeong, M.S. Han, J.H. Kim, C.J. Youn, Y.R. Ryu, H.W. White, "Crystallinity-damage
recovery and optical property of As-implanted ZnO crystals by post-implantation annealing",
J.Crystal Growth, 275 (2005) 541-547.

- T.S. Jeong, J.H. Kim, M.S. Han, K.Y. Lim, C.J. Youn, J.O. Kim, Y.J. Jung, H. Lee, "Room-
temperature luminescence study on the effect of Mg activation annealing on p-GaN layers
grown by MOCVD", J. Crystal Growth, 280 (2005) 401-407.

- T.S. Jeong, J.H. Kim, M.S. Han, K.Y. Lim, C.J. Youn, "X-ray and cathodoluminescence
study on the effect of intentional long time annealing of the InGaN/GaN multiplequantum wells
grown by MOCVD", J. Crystal Growth, 280 (2005) 357-363.

- T. S. Jeong, M. S. Han, J. H. Kim, K. Y. Lim, C. J. Youn, "Electric-Field-Induced Quenching
Effect of Photoluminescence on p-GaN Films", J. Korean Phys. Soc. 46 (2005) 968-972.

- K.J. Hong, J.J Bang, T.S. Jeong, C.J. Youn, J.D. Moon, H.S. Kim, J.H. Ha, "Point-Defect
Study of CuAlSe2(112) Layers Post-Annealed in Various Ambient", J. Korean Phys. Soc. 48
(2006) 919-924.

- Y.R. Ryu, T.S. Lee, J.A. Lubguban, H. W. White, B.J. Kim, C.J. Youn, "Next generation of
oxide photonic devices: ZnO-based ultraviolet light emitting diodes", Youn, Appl. Phys. Lett.
88 (2006) 241108.

- Y.R. Ryu, T.S. Lee, J.A. Lubguban, A.B. Corman, H. W. White, J.H. Leem, M.S. Han, Y.S.
Park, C.J. Youn, W.J. Kim, "Wide-band gap oxide: BeZnO", Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (2006) 052103.